Monday, January 23, 2006
Musings of Peterson Toscano an ex-gay survivor and -- Creator of Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House. Visit myspace & Performance Schedule & YouTube videos. Also visit BeyondExGay
About Me
- Name: Peterson Toscano
- Location: Sunbury, Pennsylvania, United States
When I travel, in addition to photos, I also record slices of sounds.
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- Queer 101 in the US Capital (no not NYC)
- Special Report: Whale in the River Thames
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Marvin, I share your sense of horror and sorrow over this shocking and painful experience.
Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort.
2 Corintians 1:7
It is very difficult for me to talk about these things. I will abide with you in prayer.
Hi Marvin,
I'm very sorry to hear about this. I was actually talking to a friend of mine about your post, and she relayed a story about having a mild heart attack at the Toronto Blessing (have you heard of that?)
I guess she thought the chest pains she was having was something demonic. People around her just thought she was really in the spirit but she was just doubled over in pain.
Sounds like a horrible experience...
Thanks for sharing this with us. Guess it is good to think about these things - I mean, sometimes I wonder if I got addicted to these kinds of spiritual experiences in the churches I attended. I look back and wonder how much of what I experienced was actually God, and how much was the emotionalism of the moment - the same kind of hyped-up emotions that would make people not notice what had happened with Brother Felix.
Does Marvin ever read these comments?
After all, he said he doesn't have a computer or internet anymore.
That's sad Marvin :(
A friend of mine was at a prayer meeting where someone had an epileptic fit. Everyone thought the holy spirit was blessing her and started praying, 'More Lord, more Lord!'
Thankfully, someone at the prayer meeting was a medical student and realised what was happening.
Its astounding what can happen when people get foccussed on God.
anonymous, since Marvin doesn't have Internet access, I either print out and mail or read over the phone these comments for Marvin.
He is always thrilled to hear your comments and insists that he is praying for all of you (which I do not doubt)
Well, Marvin, "I went to the Toronto Blessing, and all I got was a heart attack." That's what I need to print on a shirt and wear to charismatic churches. Jesus, The Holy Spirit really beat the hell out of me... or maybe it was the demons. Hmm... those demons of homosexuality always have always had a foothold apparently. No wait, that's a stronghold. My Christianese is out of practice. So... yes, it's true. At least that's what the EKG says, and I don't remember ever being on the floor from pain in my chest other than at the Airport Christian Fellowship, but then again there was that one time when the sex got a little kinky with my ex and she turned all lesbian partner abuseish on me... just kidding. Anyway, crazy, eh? Freaked me out and I'm kinda scared these days. I'm only 31 for the love of Mary. I wonder if I could sue. It was a mild one, says the EKG, oddly enough, my family's response to that was, "See God was protecting you.." I guess from a full blown fatal heart attack. Sure, a mild one sounds great. I'll take that! :P But anyway, seriously, it does make me wonder, how many people have suffered physical harm after being brainwashed by these fuckers. Jerk yourself off, ummmm, I mean around, and believe it's the Spirit of God. Yeah, a bit embarrassed.
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